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Binge Eating Disorders & Weight Loss


Symptoms of binge eating/anxiety eating disorders and obesity may include:

Frequent episodes of consuming large amounts of food rapidly.


Feeling a lack of control during binge episodes.


Eating alone due to embarrassment about the quantity of food consumed.


Emotional distress, guilt, or shame after binge eating episodes.


Unhealthy eating patterns include eating when not physically hungry and using food to cope with emotions.

Anxiety Eating Disorders and Obesity:

Emotional eating in response to stress, anxiety, or sadness.


Mindless eating without paying attention to hunger cues.


Opting for comfort foods high in sugar, fat, or carbohydrates to soothe emotional distress.


Overeating as a way to cope with anxiety.


Lack of physical activity potentially contributes to weight gain and obesity.


Causes for binge eating/anxiety eating disorders and obesity may include:

Causes of Binge Eating Disorder (BED):

Genetic factors may contribute to a predisposition for binge eating.
Imbalances in neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, may be involved.
Psychological factors like low self-esteem and a history of trauma can contribute.
Strict dieting or attempts to restrict certain foods may lead to increased cravings.
Environmental stressors, major life changes, or exposure to trauma can trigger binge eating.


Diagnosis for binge eating/anxiety eating disorders and obesity may involve:


Clinical Assessment:

Thorough evaluation by healthcare professionals. Exploration of eating behaviors, frequency of binge episodes, and emotional triggers.

Diagnostic Criteria:

Based on criteria outlined in the DSM-5, including recurrent binge eating episodes and lack of control.

Physical Examination:

Includes a physical assessment to rule out other medical conditions.

Psychological Evaluation:

Mental health professionals assess emotional well-being and underlying psychological factors.

Diagnosis of Obesity:


Body Mass Index (BMI):

Diagnosis often involves calculating BMI based on weight and height.

Clinical Assessment:

Evaluation of overall health, lifestyle factors, and medical history.

Medical Tests:

Blood tests may be conducted to assess metabolic health and rule out other medical conditions.

Psychosocial Evaluation:

Understanding psychological aspects, including attitudes towards food and body image.


Binge eating and anxiety-related eating disorders entail recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food as a coping mechanism for emotional distress. These disorders often lead to obesity, a multifaceted condition influenced by genetic, psychological, and environmental factors.

Our Medical Weight Loss & Maintenance Program offers a holistic approach to tackling binge eating and anxiety-related eating disorders with a primary focus on weight loss. Our program integrates Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy to address the psychological aspects of disordered eating. Also employing state-of-the-art weight loss procedures without surgery, such as High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) and Radio Frequency (RF) therapy, we strive to enhance muscle tone and metabolic function. Complementary modalities like Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and Cryotherapy contribute to overall well-being, aiding in tummy fat reduction. Personalized exercise regimens and rehabilitation plans are tailored to promote physical health. Furthermore, our lifestyle management strategies support sustained weight loss and overall well-being, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to address the intricate interplay of physical and psychological factors for lasting results.

Medical Weight Loss & Maintenence Program

Binge Eating Treatment: Weight Loss

Binge eating can lead to weight gain, impacting both physical and mental health. Our treatment approach focuses on behavior-building and addressing psychological factors for long-term success.
Binge eating can lead to significant weight gain, impacting both physical and mental health. Acceptance-based behavioral therapy (ABT) offers a promising approach to address this issue. By combining ABT with advanced modalities like High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) and Radiofrequency (RF) treatments, individuals struggling with binge eating can achieve better results in terms of weight loss and overall well-being. This comprehensive approach targets the root causes of binge eating and provides effective strategies for managing it. With the right combination of therapies, individuals can overcome their struggles with binge eating and achieve lasting weight loss.

High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) & Radio Frequency (RF) Therapy


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)


Lifestyle Management


Exercises & Rehabilitation


Diet & Nutrition Management

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