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Symptoms of burns wounds may include:


First-Degree Burns:

  • Pain:
    • Intense pain at the burn site.
  • Redness:
    • Immediate redness at the burn site.
  • Minor Swelling:
    • Mild swelling in the affected area

Second-Degree Burns:

  • Pain:
    • Intense pain at the burn site.
  • Blisters:
    • Formation of fluid-filled blisters.
  • Deeper Redness:
    • More pronounced redness extending beyond the immediate burn area.
  • Peeling Skin:
    • Skin may peel as the burn heals.

Third-Degree Burns:

  • Numbness:
    • Loss of sensation in the affected area.
  • White or Charred Skin:
    • Changes in skin color, ranging from white to charred.
  • Shock Symptoms:
    • Weakness, rapid pulse, and shallow breathing.
  • Difficulty Breathing or Coughing:
    • Respiratory distress, especially in cases of smoke or chemical exposure.
  • Scarring:
    • Formation of scars as the burn heals.


Causes for burn may include:

Thermal Burns: Contact with Heat Sources, causing intense pain at the burn site.
Chemical Burns: Exposure to Harsh Chemicals, leading to immediate inflammation and redness.
Electrical Burns: Contact with Electric Current, resulting in the formation of fluid-filled blisters.
Radiation Burns: Excessive Sun Exposure, causing the skin to peel as the burn heals.
Friction Burns: Abrasion or Rubbing Against Surfaces, associated with changes in skin color, ranging from red to white or charred.
Hot Liquid Burns: Scalding from Hot Liquids, leading to respiratory distress, especially in cases of smoke or chemical exposure.
Smoke Inhalation: Inhaling Toxic Fumes, causing numbness or loss of feeling in the affected area.
Flammable Gas or Vapor Burns: Contact with Combustible Substances, resulting in a systemic response such as fever.
Electromagnetic Burns: Exposure to High-Frequency Radiation, associated with the formation of scars as the burn heals.
Explosive Burns: Contact with Explosive Materials, leading to various severe symptoms including shock and scarring


Diagnosis for burn may involve:
Clinical Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of the burn’s characteristics, including size, depth, and affected areas.
Medical History: Reviewing the patient’s health history, including pre-existing conditions and medications.
Physical Examination: Thorough examination of the burn site, assessing the extent of tissue damage.
Classification of Burn Depth: Differentiating between first, second, and third-degree burns based on visual and sensory cues.
Imaging Studies: Utilizing X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to assess internal damage and rule out complications.
Laboratory Tests: Blood tests to evaluate for infections, electrolyte imbalances, or other systemic effects.
Wound Culture: Collecting samples from the burn site to identify and treat potential infections.
Pulmonary Function Tests: Conducting tests to assess lung function in cases of smoke inhalation.
Escharotomy or Fasciotomy: Surgical procedures to relieve pressure in deep burns and restore blood flow.
Fluid Resuscitation: Administering intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration and maintain blood pressure.
Collaboration with Specialists: Involving specialists such as dermatologists, plastic surgeons, or respiratory therapists based on the severity and complications of the burn.


Patient education forms the cornerstone of effective burn care, aiming to minimize complications by emphasizing proper rest and restricting movement on the affected side. In acute cases, such as those six months old, patients can initiate initial pain management through self-application of ice and avoiding pressure on the affected area. Complementary modalities like IFT, TENS, and Ultrasound play a crucial role in pain management strategies. Manual therapy incorporates mobilization techniques designed to enhance joint range of motion by addressing capsular tightness.

Our Wound Healing Program Burn embraces a holistic approach to optimize recovery and well-being. Central to our strategy is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), a cutting-edge treatment that accelerates wound healing by promoting cell regeneration. Complemented by tailored Exercises & Rehabilitation, the program focuses on rebuilding strength and enhancing mobility post-burn. Lifestyle Management strategies provide a supportive environment for healing, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Additionally, Diet and Nutrition Management ensures patients receive essential nutrients crucial for tissue repair and overall recovery. This comprehensive approach reflects our commitment to effective burn care, promoting healing from within, and improving the overall quality of life for our patients.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)


Physical Therapy Exercises


Speech Therapy


Cognitive Therapy


Gait & Coordination Training


Electrotherapy & Pain management

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