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Sexual Wellness Program

Maana Health offers an advanced Sexual Wellness Program. Our unique combination of physiotherapy and advanced rehabilitation techniques is carefully designed to address the root causes of various concerns within sexual wellness. Our program aims to address these concerns comprehensively, which empoweres you to regain control and confidence in your intimate life.

Sexual Wellness Treatment

Maana Health stands out in patient care with scientifically proven techniques, US FDA & European CE-approved treatments, and cutting-edge technologies.
Maana Health’s Sexual Wellness Program seamlessly combines physiotherapy with advanced rehabilitation methods, incorporating High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) and Radio Frequency Therapy, Lifestyle Management, Exercise and Rehabilitation, and Diet and Nutrition Management. Tailored to activate the body’s natural self-healing and muscle-strengthening processes, this program offers a comprehensive strategy for achieving and maintaining optimal sexual wellness.

Holistic Root-cause Focused Approach

Maana Health’s Sexual Wellness Program maximizes treatment effectiveness by combining various elements for a holistic approach.
Our treatment modalities and treatment approaches are US FDA and CE-approved which activate the body’s self-healing mechanism and muscle-strengthening mechanism and do not have any side effects. We combine high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM), with various conservative methods. This holistic approach addresses the issue from all perspectives, making our program unique. The elements of the program are

High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic

Diet & Nutrition

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

Exercises & Rehabilitation

Conditions We Heal

Maana Health’s Sexual Wellness Program targets sexual rejuvenation for men and women, aiming to enhance overall intimacy, foster positive sexual health, and provide personalized solutions for individuals to achieve fulfilling and satisfying sexual well-being while addressing the root cause of the condition.

Premature Ejaculation in Men

Chronic Pelvic Syndrome (CPPS)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Erectile Dysfunction

Induratio Penis Plastica or Peyronie’s Disease

HIFEM THERAPY (High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Therapy)

A Breakthrough Treatment : Advanced Sex Therapy

Maana Health’s Sexual Wellness Program integrates HIFEM, a painless and non-invasive sex therapy utilizing electromagnetic fields to enhance sexual wellness in both men and women. This specialized approach within our program aims to improve the strength and function of relevant muscle groups, directly contributing to overall sexual well-being.

Remain Fully Clothed


95% Patient Satisfaction




Walk-in Walk-out Procedure

ED Treatment : An Advanced Approach

The HIFEM Chair is a safe and effective therapy for men with urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. It offers lasting results without the risks of medications or surgery.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent issue impacting men’s quality of life. Maana Health offers the HIFEM Chair as a safe and effective treatment for ED. This non-invasive therapy uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to stimulate pelvic floor muscles, enhancing blood flow and nerve function. In just 6 sessions, patients experience improved pelvic floor muscle function, leading to better urinary and sexual health, increased confidence, and enhanced quality of life. The HIFEM Chair treatment is painless, comfortable, and convenient, requiring no downtime, making it an ideal option for men seeking effective ED treatment without the risks associated with medications or surgery.

Treatment Outcome


What is HIFEM Therapy and how does it work for early ejaculation treatment?

HIFEM Therapy uses focused electromagnetic energy to stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can help improve control over ejaculation and delay climax in men.

Is there medication available to help women climax more easily?
HIFEM chair therapy is a non-invasive treatment that strengthens pelvic floor muscles, potentially improving sexual function for women. Medication may not be necessary.
What is the best medicine for early discharge in men?
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) & cryotherapy are effective treatments for premature ejaculation in men, offering non-invasive solutions with promising results in managing early discharge.
Is there a pre ejaculation treatment available?
Yes, there are treatment options available for premature ejaculation, including behavioral techniques, medications, and therapies like ESWT & Cryo Therapy.
What is the best medication for erectile dysfunction (ED)?
There are several medications available for the treatment of ED, including Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) & cryotherapy are effective treatments for premature ejaculation in men, offering non-invasive solutions with promising results in managing early discharge without any intake of tablets or medicines.
Can HIFEM Therapy help with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or weak erection treatment?
While HIFEM Therapy is primarily used for pelvic floor muscle strengthening, it may also have benefits for conditions like BPH and weak erections. It is recommended to consult with one of our specialist at our center to determine the best treatment plan for individual needs.

Clinical & Research Evidence

To date, there are several clinical studies have been published on High-Intensity Focus Electro Magnetic Chairs. Studies confirm that 95% of patients report an improved quality of life

Accreditations and Certifications


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