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Lower Back Pain


Symptoms of lower back pain may include:


Dull aching pain in the lower back


A stabbing or shooting pain


Difficulty to stand up straight without pain


A decreased range of motion


Difficulty in bending forward


Radiating pain in lower limbs


Pain while twisting, turning, and lifting


Pain during coughing and sneezing


Muscle soreness when touching


The causes of backache can be either mechanical or non-mechanical:


Heavy and repetitive weight-lifting or use of machine tools, operation of motor vehicles


Stressful occupations such as doctors, police, etc.

Lifestyle factors like smoking, tobacco consumption, obesity, etc.
Sports Injuries
Poor Posture
Improper footwears
Age -Weak musculature due to lack of exercise. Degenerative changes of bones, discs, and joints.
Pregnancy- Backache is common in pregnancy.



Radiography (X-ray) – Radiography of the back is not very reliable as normal findings are observed in 7-46% of cases. Disc space is reduced in chronic cases, but in acute cases, it is maintained.

Computed Tomography Scan (CT scan)- It gives a cross-sectional study of the pathology. It however fails to detect intraspinal lesions, arachnoiditis, and scars from disc herniation. It helps to detect the foraminal stenosis and the lateral disc prolapses.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – It helps to detect the intraspinal lesion, helps to examine the entire spine, and identifies degenerative discs.

These standard imaging techniques are not adequate to rule out muscular imbalance. Detailed physical assessment through special tests and neuromuscular examination are the diagnostic methods in physiotherapy to find tight and weak muscles and neural involvement. This assessment and rehabilitation program can prevent minor surgeries of the spine and help the individual to become functionally independent and lead a stress-free life.


Absolute rest is the best treatment for back pain. Painkillers may relieve the pain temporarily, but it does not represent a cure in all cases. Most of these problems may be managed conservatively (without surgery) with physical therapy. If it is an acute case (6 months) icing is recommended to reduce the muscle ache. IFT, Ultrasound, and TENS are the electrotherapy modalities used in physiotherapy management.

Our Spinal Wellness Program is a holistic approach consisting of a combination of manual and advanced therapeutic modalities, specific to individual patient conditions and diagnoses. Spinal decompression is an advanced version of traction that allows a negative pressure of -150 to -200 mm Hg that helps the disc move to its original shape. It applies computer-controlled pulling forces at precisely measured angles to gently distract targeted spinal segments. This distraction in the joints relieves pressure on the disc and any pinched nerves whilst promoting the movement and absorption of fluids and nutrients in the disc space. These fluids and nutrients are adequate for disc health. This treatment also works on tight or stiff muscles. By progressively improving the mobility in a joint these mechanisms can help to relieve pain.

Spine Treatment Without Surgery

Our program includes spinal decompression therapy, pain management modalities, exercises, nutrition and diet management, lifestyle management, and ergonomics guidance.

Maana Health offers a comprehensive Spine Treatment Without Surgery program that focuses on spinal wellness through a combination of non-invasive techniques.Spinal decompression therapy is a key component of our program, utilizing advanced traction techniques to create a negative pressure that helps the disc move back to its original shape. Our holistic approach to spine treatment without surgery is tailored to individual patient conditions and diagnoses, providing a comprehensive and effective alternative to invasive surgical procedures. With Maana Health, patients can find relief from spinal issues and achieve optimal spinal wellness without the need for surgery.


Spinal Decompression Therapy


Pain Management




Nutrition & Diet Management


Lifestyle Management


Ergonomics Guidance

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