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Spinal Wellness Program

Maana Health’s Spinal Wellness program offers a holistic approach to spine treatment without surgery, combining spinal decompression therapy and other elements for non-invasive relief for conditions like disc bulge, herniation, back and neck pain, etc.

Surgeries Avoided

Maana Health’s Spinal Wellness program has successfully avoided over 1000 surgeries, offering a positive and hopeful alternative for those seeking non-invasive spine treatment.

Maana Health stands out in patient care with scientifically proven techniques, US FDA & European CE-approved treatments, and cutting-edge technologies. Our approach combines various treatments to address conditions comprehensively. By bridging the gap between advanced medical technologies and local accessibility, Maana Health is not just treating individuals; it’s empowering communities with the latest in healthcare.

Holistic Approach

Our spinal wellness program combines various elements to maximize the patient’s treatment effectiveness through a holistic approach.

Our treatment modalities and treatment approaches are US FDA and CE-approved activate the body’s self-healing mechanism and muscle-strengthening mechanism and do not have any side effects. We combine spinal decompression therapy, exercises, diet and nutrition management, lifestyle management, posture correction, and ergonomics guidance. This holistic approach addresses the issue from all perspectives, making our program unique in its comprehensive treatment of spinal ailments. The elements of the program are

3D Mobilization
& correction


Posture Correction & Ergonomics Guidance

Diet & Nutrition


Lifestyle Management

Conditions We Heal

Our goal is to help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life by treating the root cause of the condition without the need for surgery.

Back Pain & Neck Pain

Disc Bulge

Disc Herniation


Degenerative Disc Disease

Cervical Spondylosis

Facet Syndrome

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

World’s most advanced non-surgical treatment
for back and neck pain.

Non-surgical spinal decompression is an advanced treatment for patients who suffer from neck pain, neck pain, and pain radiating to the shoulders and legs. A decompression treatment slowly and gently lengthens or releases pressure in the spine through repetitive movements by a customized medical device. The table pulls and releases, creating a pressure change within the intervertebral disc, surrounding soft tissue, and joints. This pressure change allows the disc bulges or herniations and nutrients to be pulled back into the disc. Rehydration of the disc and surrounding tissues creates a physiological change that assists the body’s natural healing process

Patient Story


What is spinal decompression therapy? Does it help me?
Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment that gently stretches the spine to alleviate pressure and pain, promoting healing in the discs and nerves. Tp understand if ot helps your condition or not, consult with our spine and joint specialist.
How long does a typical spinal wellness program last?
The duration of the program varies based on individual needs, but it often involves several weeks of treatment sessions tailored to the patient’s condition and progress.
Are there any age restrictions for spinal decompression therapy?

Spinal decompression therapy is generally safe for adults of all ages, but a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary to determine suitability.

What are the potential benefits of spinal wellness programs?
Benefits may include pain relief, improved mobility, strengthened muscles, and overall enhancement of spinal health, without the need for surgical intervention.
How much does spinal decompression treatment cost?
The cost of spinal decompression treatment can vary depending on several factors including the, the severity of the condition being treated, the number of sessions needed. It is best to consult with our healthcare provider to get an accurate estimate of the cost after a detailed assessment.

Accreditations and Certifications

Other Programs

Maana Health offers a range of specialized programs designed to address various health needs without a surgical intervention.

Clinical Studies

Clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of spinal decompression therapy for treating pain associated with different segments of the spine.


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