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Wound Healing Program

We provide a solution for patients with chronic non-healing wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, slow-to-heal injuries, burns, venous ulcers, post-surgical wounds, and grafts, that do not respond to conventional treatments.

Wound Treatment

Maana Health’s Wound Healing Program has successfully avoided over 100+ foot amputations and other complications
offering a positive and hopeful alternative for those seeking diabetic foot ulcer treatment and other wound treatments
Maana Health stands out in patient care with scientifically proven techniques, US FDA & European CE-approved treatments, and cutting-edge technologies. Our approach combines various treatments to address conditions comprehensively. By bridging the gap between advanced medical technologies and local accessibility, Maana Health is not just treating individuals; it’s empowering communities with the latest in healthcare.

Holistic Approach

Our Wound Healing Program leverages an advanced treatment modality called hyperbaric oxygen therapy (or HBOT) with other conservative methods for treating patients who suffer from various types of chronic wounds
Our treatment modalities and approaches are US FDA and CE-approved activate the body’s self-healing and muscle-strengthening mechanisms and do not have any side effects. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBOT is a US FDA and European CE-approved advanced treatment modality, in which 100% oxygen is provided in a hyperbaric or high-pressure environment which helps the wound heal quickly.
Oxygen Therapy
Ergonomics Guidance
Diet & Nutrition
Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy

Conditions We Heal

Our goal is to help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life by treating the root cause of the condition without the need for surgery and leveraging wound healing with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and how does it help in diabetic foot ulcer treatment?

    HBOT is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber. This increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which helps the body to heal wounds, including diabetic foot ulcers, more effectively.

    How does HBOT therapy work for treating pressure ulcers?
    HBOT works by delivering high levels of oxygen to the body’s tissues, which helps to promote healing and fight infection. This can be particularly beneficial for treating pressure ulcers, as it helps to improve blood flow and tissue regeneration in the affected area.
    Is HBOT therapy effective for diabetic foot treatment?
    Yes, HBOT is effective in treating diabetic foot ulcers by promoting wound healing, reducing the risk of infection, and preventing the need for amputation in some cases.
    Are there any risks or side effects associated with HBOT therapy for wound treatment?

      While HBOT is generally safe, some potential risks and side effects may include ear pain or discomfort, and temporary nearsightedness. It’s important to discuss any potential risks with a healthcare professional before undergoing HBOT therapy.

      How many HBOT sessions are typically needed for wound treatment?

          The number of HBOT sessions needed for wound treatment can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the wound. In general, a course of HBOT treatment for wound healing may involve multiple sessions, typically ranging from 20 to 40 sessions. A healthcare professional can provide a personalized treatment plan based on the specific needs of the patient.

          Accreditations and Certifications

          Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapies: The Best Wound Treatment

          HBOT, or hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is an effective treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. It involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, which helps promote healing and reduce the risk of amputation.

          Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a promising treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. This therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, which allows the lungs to take in more oxygen than normal. The increased oxygen levels in the blood help promote healing and fight infection in the wound.
          For diabetic patients, foot ulcers are a common and serious complication. These ulcers can be slow to heal and may lead to serious complications, including the risk of amputation. HBOT is effective in treating non-healing diabetic foot ulcers by improving blood flow and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels, which are essential for wound healing.
          HBOT can also help reduce swelling and inflammation, fight infection, and promote the formation of new skin tissue. This therapy has the potential to significantly reduce the need for amputation and improve the overall quality of life for diabetic patients with foot ulcers. It is a non-invasive and safe treatment option that offers hope for those struggling with non-healing wounds.

          Clinical Studies

          Clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of spinal decompression therapy for treating pain associated with different segments of the spine.


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